Exercise of style, experimental contamination with performance art or simply annoying gesture, hyper-realism is definitely an exciting sport for a photographer. Violating safety distances between people, closely flashing body geographies and human textures is a small anarchist action and a cannibale human haunting. However, this performance always ends up collaterally giving some anthropological informations about the communities where it is performed, and about the behaviors and reactions of their components.

Driven by the spirit of preserving street photography as an art form in public spaces, after this work I started to ask myself many questions. Is it perhaps right to objectify people who are already objectifying themselves in one of the most destructive and alienating contexts such as overtourism? Is my practice perhaps the continuation of a practice already started by them?

For now, the answer is yes.

ACTION: I run across the “paseo maritimo” in Maspalomas with a flash above my camera and I go as close as possibile to the people in order to reveal the textures of human bodies and their continuity with the environment harassed by mass tourism.

"In the beginning there was no water either, but since the middle of the '70 the south of the island of Gran Canaria has seen one of the most developed spots of worldwide intensive tourism increse exponentially. Over here people, mainly from northern Europe flock to enjoy the eternal springtime, the advantageous prices and its transgressive bars, inhabiting cathedrals in the desert and giving birth to an authentic non-place. Synthetic materials, synthetic hair, overlap the geography of bodies frying in the sun to fried food, giving us collaterally some some anthropological information about this species of human planet".

Rotterdam Photo Festival



This exploratory series called Cana(rio) de Janeiro contains the aesthetic premises of Human Texture, where these insights were transformed into a performative act.